Friday, March 20, 2009

AHHHH A Shower...

So, has anyone else ever noticed that you do your best thinking in the shower? No? This is just me? Well, let me explain. The thought has occurred to me often that I do in fact have my best thoughts in the shower. It re-occurred to me the other day, when I told my friend I was just going to hop in the shower and I'd get online with her in like 15 minutes, well, that 15 minutes lasted much longer (sorry Courtney). The thought crossed my mind this time as to why it is my most productive time for thinking. It is because it's so hot and QUIET in there. Some how, the world outside of "Shower Heaven" disappears. Well, let me qualify, this is only when I enter my land of "Shower Heaven" when the hubby is home, otherwise, if I can fit a shower in while the hubby is not home, I can in fact hear the monsters in the "Real World" running (which they are not supposed to do) or I get that invader yelling through the door, "can I have a snack or he did this or he did that." However when the troops are being manned by their dad, I can shut it out and hear only the blissful sound of the water running and my thoughts flowing. I dread having to step out of my land of "Shower Heaven" cuz the thoughts disappear. They go to the same far away land that my flat tummy and nice legs went... to the land of "Taken By Motherhood." Granted, when they took those from me, along with my clear thoughts, they did in fact leave three gifts in the form of my healthy boys. I think the trade off was in my favor, but every once in awhile it would be nice if the land of "Taken By Motherhood" would let my flat tummy, and my nice legs visit for an extended vacation. I do seem to have visitation rights to my thoughts from "Taken By Motherhood" in the land of "Shower Heaven," however when I step out of that silent world, and into my loud "Real World" my thought seem to disappear. I should perhaps use one of those soap crayons of the kids and write my thoughts down while in "Shower Heaven." Had I done so, I may be on the best seller's list or sold one of my million dollar ideas or at the very least completed a trip to Wegmans with everything I needed.
Too bad my laptop is not waterproof, cuz I'd have some great blogs! LOL!

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